Vision Topics

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome or Repetitive Stress?

    You're getting ready to launch your new business. And, being a savvy entrepreneur, you've been spending a lot of time doing research on the Internet. Entering searches, following links, cutting-and-pasting, typing, mouse-clicking, dragging-and-dropping. By the time you're ready to "go live" you've begun

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  • Causes and Symptoms of a Herniated Disc

    Do you have pain in your back or neck that travels to your arms or legs? You may have a herniated disc.

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  • Causes and Treatments of Muscle Spasms

    Looking for a way to relieve your muscle spasms? A visit to the chiropractor could help.

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  • Cervical Pillow

    There are a variety of different types of pillows that are made of different grades of foam and have custom curves designed into them to support your neck. If you are like most people, you sleep on your pillow for six to nine hours every night. Shouldn't you sleep on something that will help you maintain

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  • Change Unhealthy Habits

    There are three things that have to happen to successfully change a habit. The first is that you must make the decision to change. When you make a decision, you are affirming to yourself that you are willing to go to any lengths to make your wishes come true. This means that you will need to completely

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