Vision Topics

  • Principles of Posture

    Long ago and far away, a fourth-grade teacher told a student to "stand up straight - you look like a pretzel". The unthinking adult only offered criticism. The child was left to try to unkink himself in the ways that probably caused more structural damage. Most of us think good posture involves thrusting

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  • Printable Games & Puzzles

    Help Mac Find His Way to the Chiropractor! Help Mac Find His Way to a Healthy, Balanced Meal! Help Mac Find His Way to the Playground! A Visit to the Chiropractor Word Search Mac's Chiropractic Word Unscramble Mac's Cosmic Chiro Crossword

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  • Promoting Health and Wellness With Chiropractic

    Would you like to boost your health naturally? Chiropractic treatment offers a simple solution.

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  • Proper Overindulgence Over the Holidays

    Proper Overindulgence Over The Holidays The term "overindulgence" is probably best assessed as a red flag, especially with respect to consistent overconsumption of high-calorie comfort food and desserts during the holiday season. An overall healthier perspective could be described as "indulgence" regarding

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  • Proprioception - Making Your Body Smarter

    We usually don't think of our bodies in terms of their being "smart." For example, we walk to the corner store without giving a single thought to the complex mechanics involved in getting there and back. But behind the scenes there's plenty going on and your body's "IQ" has a lot to do with your success

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