Vision Topics

  • Senior Fitness

    Bob Barker, beloved host of The Price Is Right, recently made headlines by announcing his retirement after 35 years. "Barker irreplaceable!" blared the entertainment tabloids. And yet, Mr. Barker celebrated his 82nd birthday a few months ago.Eighty-two! Who really are the "seniors" among us? And what

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  • September Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Tendinitis

    Not sure what to do about tendinitis pain? Call your chiropractor!

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  • September Newsletter: How Your Chiropractor Can Help with Chronic Pain

    Tired of living with chronic pain? Find out if chiropractic car can help.

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  • Shin Splints

    Shin splints are characterized by pain in the front part of the lower leg. It occurs on the inside edge of the large bone there — the tibia. This condition is common in runners, but can also occur in other physically active people. Shin splints usually happen during or after a change in the intensity

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  • Should I Go Gluten Free?

    It is now well-known that gluten intake is frequently associated with various serious conditions such as celiac disease, diabetes, and fibromyalgia. Years ago, most people had never heard of this substance or its related medical problems. But today, supermarkets as well as organic markets contain gluten-free

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